Explore projects
Machine learning framework for high-energy physics developed in Freiburg and the Black Forest.
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Sortednp (sorted numpy) is a python package which provides methods to perform efficient set operations on sorted numpy arrays. This includes intersecting and merging sorted numpy arrays. The returned intersections and unions are also sorted.
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Web application to join several Google maps routes into a single, large route.
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The landing server project provides a docker image, which runs an ssh server to add a layer of isolation between the bare metal server and the server where the users usually log on to and perform all the work.
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Project to host information for the GRK python workshop 2019.
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This project has been migrated to https://gitlab.cern.ch/fsauerbu/freeforestml
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Project to test and demonstrate exactly-once processing guarantees with faust.
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Docker registry web interface using token-based authentication to communicate with the registry.
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Repository to create a docker image with a full pdflatex installation.
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Repository for the k8s tutorial at https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/hello-app