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Frank Sauerburger / sortednp
MIT LicenseSortednp (sorted numpy) is a python package which provides methods to perform efficient set operations on sorted numpy arrays. This includes intersecting and merging sorted numpy arrays. The returned intersections and unions are also sorted.
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Frank Sauerburger / AtmelISP
MIT LicenseDemonstration how to use linux tools to program plain Atmel chips using ISP.
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Frank Sauerburger / FP-python-examples
MIT LicensePython versions of the ROOT examples for the FP (advanced laboratory in physics) at the University of Freiburg.
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Frank Sauerburger / doxec
MIT LicenseAutomated testing of code examples in documentations? The answer is doxec. Doxec is python library, which provides automated documentation testing by executed code examples in text files and thus ensures that code examples work as intended.
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Web application to join several Google maps routes into a single, large route.
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Frank Sauerburger / tweetlimiter
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Frank Sauerburger / pyroot3
MIT LicenseCode base for a docker image shipping with PyROOT based on Python 3.
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Repository to host the official legal documents, such as imprint, privacy prolicy and terms of service, for gitlab.sauerburger.com. The documents are located in the repositories wiki.
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Frank Sauerburger / tcpjunction
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Project to develop a 8-channel temperature DAQ system with milli-kelvin noise level.
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Repository to show how to test PyROOT snippets using Python 3.
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Project to develop a Kubernetes operator to deploy mlflow models
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Frank Sauerburger / sit-archive-tool
MIT LicenseCustomer tool to create archive files for tape drives.
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Collection of small snippets to communicate progress and status information.
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Repository to show the internals of signed commits in Git.