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Frank Sauerburger / sortednp
MIT LicenseSortednp (sorted numpy) is a python package which provides methods to perform efficient set operations on sorted numpy arrays. This includes intersecting and merging sorted numpy arrays. The returned intersections and unions are also sorted.
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Frank Sauerburger / AtmelISP
MIT LicenseDemonstration how to use linux tools to program plain Atmel chips using ISP.
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Frank Sauerburger / FP-python-examples
MIT LicensePython versions of the ROOT examples for the FP (advanced laboratory in physics) at the University of Freiburg.
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Frank Sauerburger / doxec
MIT LicenseAutomated testing of code examples in documentations? The answer is doxec. Doxec is python library, which provides automated documentation testing by executed code examples in text files and thus ensures that code examples work as intended.
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Project to demonstrate the issue with stepfilled histograms when bottom is not None.
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Small webserver for web2print service in a private environment.
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React-based framework to employ the power of web technologies for PDF publishing.
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This is a test template project to test the gitemplet tool.
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Frank Sauerburger / fan_speed
MIT LicenseSmall EALGE project with the intend to control the speed of a low power computer fan with a linear regulator. The application is not limited to fans, in fact the board can be used as a general low power regulator.
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Frank Sauerburger / linear
MIT LicenseA linear power supply circuit, developed with EAGLE. The PCB provides two outputs: a variable voltage source with variable current limit and a current source/drain.
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Arduino Project for Måleteknikk at NTNU. The Arduino is used to read audio files form an SD card and outputs them via six digtal pins, in order to be converted to an analog singal.
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ntnu / FilterSimulation
MIT LicenseButterworth audio filter simulation program used in Måleteknikk at NTNU in Norwary in 2015.
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General latex package containing several every-day-use commands.
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Frank Sauerburger / PipeSource
MIT LicenseCommand line tool that generates pseudo-random, block-organized data that is written to standard out. The tool is useful to measure the throughput of other commands.