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Sortednp (sorted numpy) is a python package which provides methods to perform efficient set operations on sorted numpy arrays. This includes intersecting and merging sorted numpy arrays. The returned intersections and unions are also sorted.
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Project to experiment with GitLab CI/CD components
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Website to host an owl-ca instance and publish public keys.
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Website to generate k8s templates usable in kubectl apply, see k8s.sauerburger.com
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Machine learning framework for high-energy physics developed in Freiburg and the Black Forest.
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Repository to host the official legal documents, such as imprint, privacy prolicy and terms of service, for gitlab.sauerburger.com. The documents are located in the repositories wiki.
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Web application to join several Google maps routes into a single, large route.
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Helm chart for a postgresql database with admin interfaces
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Website to host universal HEP plots for visualization and archival.
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The landing server project provides a docker image, which runs an ssh server to add a layer of isolation between the bare metal server and the server where the users usually log on to and perform all the work.
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L2rom is a small project which translates a simple set of logical rules to a binary file which can be used as input to program EEPROMs. In this sense, l2rom can be understood as a compiler which translates the l2rom source code to binary code.
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Python package to handle values with errors and units, i.e. physical quantities. The package supports Gaussian error propagation and therefore makes quick evaluations in the lab easy and reliable.