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  • Antony Lee's avatar
    Move most of pytest's conf to · 2cd914d5
    Antony Lee authored
    pytest.ini is not found if running the test suite from anywhere but
    a source checkout root.  For example, it is not found if running
    `matplotlib.test()` from an installed Matplotlib (that includes test
    data). mplcairo's test suite also relies on being able to run the
    Matplotlib test suite from not-the-source-tree (via `pytest --pyargs
    This is particularly problematic now that pytest requires markers to be
    explicitly declared, and emits a warning when they are not.
    Instead, declare most relevant options in pytest_configure().  (Note
    that this actually only helps mplcairo when used in conjunction of
    pytest>=5.0 due to pytest issue 5078, but the patch doesn't bump the
    pytest version requirement for matplotlib.)
    See also pytest issue 4039.
    Move most of pytest's conf to
    Antony Lee authored
    pytest.ini is not found if running the test suite from anywhere but
    a source checkout root.  For example, it is not found if running
    `matplotlib.test()` from an installed Matplotlib (that includes test
    data). mplcairo's test suite also relies on being able to run the
    Matplotlib test suite from not-the-source-tree (via `pytest --pyargs
    This is particularly problematic now that pytest requires markers to be
    explicitly declared, and emits a warning when they are not.
    Instead, declare most relevant options in pytest_configure().  (Note
    that this actually only helps mplcairo when used in conjunction of
    pytest>=5.0 due to pytest issue 5078, but the patch doesn't bump the
    pytest version requirement for matplotlib.)
    See also pytest issue 4039.