Explore projects
Frank Sauerburger / sit-archive-tool
MIT LicenseCustomer tool to create archive files for tape drives.
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Frank Sauerburger / pylorentz
MIT LicensePython project to work with 4-vectors and Lorentz boosts in high energy physics.
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ntnu / FilterSimulation
MIT LicenseButterworth audio filter simulation program used in Måleteknikk at NTNU in Norwary in 2015.
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Project to demonstrate the use of InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor and Telegraf (ie. the TICK stack).
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Frank Sauerburger / PipeSource
MIT LicenseCommand line tool that generates pseudo-random, block-organized data that is written to standard out. The tool is useful to measure the throughput of other commands.
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Command line tool which executes a second shebang line as a bash input line. This allows specifying multiple arguments in a shebang line.
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Docker registry web interface using token-based authentication to communicate with the registry.
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Frank Sauerburger / pyroot3
MIT LicenseCode base for a docker image shipping with PyROOT based on Python 3.
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General latex package containing several every-day-use commands.
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Frank Sauerburger / fan_speed
MIT LicenseSmall EALGE project with the intend to control the speed of a low power computer fan with a linear regulator. The application is not limited to fans, in fact the board can be used as a general low power regulator.
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React-based framework to employ the power of web technologies for PDF publishing.
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Example repository to illustrate how to tag docker images built in the CI.
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Frank Sauerburger / uhepp.org
MIT LicenseWebsite to host universal HEP plots for visualization and archival.